COTW Featured on

On Monday, we were included in which led to way more traffic on Henry Abbott’s daily bullets on ESPN’s TrueHoop, courtsoftheworld than we usually experience. More people registered, more people added courts. We also got tons of advice on what still needs to be done better, hints what might be missing. And we got a lot of encouragement and positive feedback.

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How a trip to China inspired the launch of COTW

Back in the summer of 2006, my brother (known around here as CG) found himself in Shanghai, looking for a basketball court where he could check out the local competition. Being abroad – out of your comfort zone and in a place where people talk in riddles – makes things harder than you might imagine.

CG: “You’re 100% sure this is the Emperor’s Palace?”
Cab Driver: “Yes, yes.”

The Chinese, overly polite by nature, nod understandingly even if they have absolutely no clue what the hell you‘re talking about. Any question will be answered with a “Yes,” which is reassuring in a way, but doesn‘t get you an inch closer to a basketball court.

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